Laura Linklater Doyle of Gwiinzii Co. is a Gwich’in citizen of the Teetł’it Gwich’in First Nation, People of the Peel Watershed, located in Fort McPherson N.W.T. Laura is Currently residing on Treaty 8 territory home of the Cree, Dene, Beaver, and Metis people.
Born and raised within her traditional territory of the northern Yukon and N.W.T., Laura’s artistic engagement is deeply informed by her late grandmother as well as many aunties and mentors who had a hand in raising her while guiding and forming her identity as a Gwich’in beadwork and sewing artist. Laura’s art is rooted in traditional Gwich’in design and motifs incorporating contemporary mediums and techniques; she believes that using traditional ways of creating is paramount to preserving techniques and traditions for future generations. Her practice also includes traditional hide tanning, quillwork, and caribou hair tufting. The creation, collection, and use of these natural textiles are guiding principles of how she engages in her practice, as it is inextricably tied to the land and her people.