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2021 Adäka Cultural Festival Cancelled

Jul 13, 2021

The Yukon First Nations Culture and Tourism Association (YFNCT), in partnership with the Kwanlin Dün Cultural Centre (KDCC) have made the decision to cancel the 2021 Adäka Cultural Festival.

The Board of Directors made this decision after keeping a close watch on information and recommendations that have come out of the Yukon Chief Medical Officer of Health’s office regarding the COVID-19 outbreak across the territory. YFNCT and the KDCC are doing their part to help curb the spread of the virus and keep Yukon residents safe and healthy.   

“We had some amazing Yukon-focused programming, performances, and artists lined up for this year, so this was a very tough decision to have to have to make for the second year in a row,” says Katie Johnson, Adäka Cultural Festival Producer. “We had hoped to step back into the light together this summer, but keeping our community safe is the priority right now.”

The YFNCT and KDCC would like to acknowledge the artists, knowledge keepers, performers, program partners, sponsors, and funders for their commitment and hard work in the planning stages of the festival. Appreciation goes out to the public for their enthusiasm towards the festival and their understanding in this decision.

YFNCT continues to work on workshops and programming that will be available throughout the fall and winter. Beautiful artwork created by artists living in the Yukon remain available for purchase at