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2021 Adäka Cultural Festival Postponed

Jun 15, 2021

The Yukon First Nations Culture and Tourism Association (YFNCT), in partnership with the Kwanlin Dün Cultural Centre (KDCC) have made the decision to postpone the 2021 Adäka Cultural Festival.

Given the rise in COVID-19 cases across the territory, the decision to postpone the festival was made with the health and safety of all Yukon residents in mind. The 10th anniversary of the Adäka Cultural Festival will now be hosted on August 26 to 29 at the KDCC.

“This decision was not made lightly,” says Katie Johnson, Adäka Cultural Festival Producer. “We have an amazing Yukon-focused program in place and are looking forward to celebrating together again. However, with the increase in cases across the territory, we felt the responsible and safe action to take is to postpone the festival in order to do our part in keeping everyone safe.”

From August 26 to 29, individuals will step back into the light together, enjoying both in-person and virtual Adäka programming. Highlights include performances, storytelling, cultural presentations, workshops, an artist studio village, and a professional art gallery. COVID safety protocols will be implemented.

The YFNCT and KDCC appreciate the community’s understanding in this decision. They will continue to keep close watch on information and recommendations that come out of the Yukon Chief Medical Officer of Health’s office and will make future decisions based on that.

Volunteer opportunities

The Adäka Cultural Festival is currently seeking volunteers for August 24 to 30. Volunteers are needed for hospitality, set up and take down, transportation, logistics, front of house, security, gallery sales, COVID safety team, and more. For more information and to sign up, visit

Sponsorship opportunities

Support from the business community, organizations, and Yukon First Nations governments is crucial for the ongoing success of the festival. If you’re interested in sponsoring the 2021 Festival, please contact Amber Berard-Althouse at

Appreciation goes out to Adäka’s presenting sponsor, the Kwanlin Dün Cultural Centre; our Diamond sponsors Solid Sound, Northwestel, Teslin Tlingit Council, Council of Yukon First Nations, and the City of Whitehorse; our Platinum sponsors AFN Yukon, Northern Vision Development, Newmont, Air North, Yukon’s Airline, and Kobayashi and Zedda, and every other sponsor who makes this event possible. Adäka funding partners include the Government of Canada, Yukon Government, Canadian Heritage, Canadian Council for the Arts and Lotteries Yukon.